Monday, August 13, 2007

Backing to Tuesday August 7, 2007

Mom had a Dr.s appointment at 10:50 A.M. We got there right on time. While waiting in the waiting room mom was very active chattering and moving her wheel chair. She tried to leave the waiting room when I was checking her in. I was trying to keep her calm while waiting when she just stopped talking and moving. She froze with her head off to the side. She did not responded when I talked to her a couple of times. The other people in the waiting room did respond and I asked the checking people for help. I could not tell if she was breathing or not, she was frozen. I was afraid she was having another stroke. The doctors shuffled her back and sent her down to the Emergency Room for the next 4 hours. They could not find anything wrong. So they sent her home. =-) Her care taker had said that has happened a few times on her, and it scared her the first time it happened.

Mean while back a the ranch, my center three sons were over at her house mowing the lawn. Most of the rest of the week was filled with college visits, which is why I did not have time to update sooner. =-)

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