Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Found Side Rail & A Problem

We walked in the door to the house at least 3 of the four sons I brought along to help look headed down the steps. I had said many times. We had looked where the bed was and could not find the other side rail but I would look there again or near dad's wheel chair in the closet. So one of the sons who had run down stairs came up and announced He had found the missing side rail. All would have been wonderful we could have turned around and left only the refrigerator was blowing hot air. There was very little in it but what was in was melted moldy smelly ice cream. So we took enough time to clean that out. Unplug it and leave the doors open before we left.

Now I have to decide if we should call a repair person or just do with out. It is not that old, but since I had a 6 year old refrigerator have the compressor go out before, I an guessing that is the problem here. I do not like making decisions like this.

Mom did not throw us out for once. She was eating lunch. Usually she tells the boys they must leave as soon as they walk in. Not today. We did not stay long as I did not want to run late for our mid week Bible Study at church. All in all a quick trip.

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