Monday, April 30, 2007

Mom made it to the doctor today.

No, thanks to the three of us children. Here is how it played out. Last Wednesday her care taker called and told me of a problem, we thought because of the new medication. Since I was supposed to call about the medication a week after she started it I was waiting until either Thursday a week from the Dr. appointment or Friday a week from starting the medication. well Life got away from me and I did not get it done. So while I stopped in Saturday before coming back home her care taker pointed it out to me and told me it was going down now.

I could not wait for Monday morning to call the Dr. office and ask. Well I did ask and gave them her care takers phone # to answer one question was it from the inner ear or not. Then I waited for a call back. Her care taker called and I called her primary care Dr. to get her in today. It was 1:30 by then. They had an opening at 2:30 Living two hours away I knew I could not get there quick enough to make that one but took it hoping one of my brothers could help. Care taker called youngest brother no answer. She, her care taker, could not make it, so I called and rescheduled for 4:00P.M. When our middle sons track meet was to start here. I could have left our boys on there own for rides and whatever. Her care taker said she could do it after 3. So I made more calls. They will direct bill me for the copay. She filled the prescription where I do and out of pocketed the copay on that. I told her they have the account # on file and to bill that should it come up again. I just got that taken care of when I was there with those three appointments in one week.

The doctor had never seen anything like it, called in a second doctor in there practice and went from there. He also said the medicine the nerve doctor prescribed was too strong. to cut them in half and if they were still to strong to cut them in quarters. So that is the latest for the present. Her ear may drain. She sleeps on a towel for drainage.

I am so very thankful, They moved where they did in 1996!!! Yes, I had been praying for them to get off that 17 acres that had them working Farmers Market so much. They could not get away too much of the time. God knows what he was doing! To have Miss. Allie B and Miss. Bonnie be their neighbors. Being on the corner with no other houses closer. Bonnie helped me back in 2003 with mom when the Dr. called and said bring her to the hospital NOW. I could not get her to get dresses all day. Bonnie to the rescue. While Miss. Allie B is gone now and sorely missed. I am so thankful for this Dear Sister!!!! God Is So Good!

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