Sunday, June 24, 2007


Mom was being different today. I brought her Bible down to the services at the nursing home and she did not want it. Then they handed her a song book she pushed it away as well. She did want to sing. We sang all the verses of Jesus Loves Me and Count Your Many Blessings from the hymnal. Once she started singing she both read and sang the words. LOL Still when I looked up the text for her she said she did not want the Bible and when I went to leave she wanted me to take it with me, so I did.

Then my next younger brother called as I answered the phone I found the one I grabbed was dead, and I was too late for another I stretched for. So as I walked out the door for the store I found he had left a message on my cell phone. Some one wants to buy the old pickup camper. It is falling apart and they still want it? So I talked to DH It cannot be worth much at this point. The brother who called is willing to clean it out and they are willing to get rid of the trees they have sprung up around it. So we might have more to mow next time. who can tell?

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