Thursday, June 7, 2007

Do Not Make Dr.'s Appointment on days that start with T.

Today she had a doctors appointment to check the progress of her shoulder, if it is staying in place. It is, Thank the Lord! She will go back in a month. She has a break in her longest finger on her right hand they are going to tape. (Heaven only know who that could have happened.) They did tape it, but she pulled it off. (She will be a stinker about this I believe.)

Taking the mini bus is interesting. The nursing home said to be there at 8:30 for moms 10:10 A.M. appointment, (not far away. About 2-3 miles.) A mini bus was there at 8:40 so I checked to see if it was mom's and if she was ready. She was, yet it was not hers so we waited. An aid brushed her hair and we waited. Her bus arrived about 9:25. We were there in plenty of time, early. She saw the Dr. he had X-rays taken and we saw him again. We are done the mini bus was called and we started waiting, after waiting some time, I looked at my watch from there we waited one hour 45 minutes longer for the mini bus. Mom was asking if cars, truck and others were her I almost had ds16 bring dad's truck to come get us. He was cooking lunch when we spoke or I would have.

I plan to get her moved back to 108 Bishop in Waterloo, on/by August 7, 2007. August 10th would have been mom and dads 50th wedding anniversary. I just could not keep up driving every day to Waterloo. Unless she has another stoke or something happens.

My next younger brother called, one of mom and dad's long time friends has passed away. We will have to send a card.

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