Monday, May 21, 2007

Mom says...

Well now for days mom has said, "Take me home." Yet when I ask where home is she gives no answer. She also tells me "Take me with you." Which breaks my heart as I would love to but know I could not handle her. We come and go too much she would be alone and that would not be acceptable as the Dr. said right after dad died she cannot be left alone.

The Dr. still has not been there to see her. (sigh) They did tell me he comes once a month, at one point. Yet they told me he was coming on Wednesday last Friday. This morning I was told he is coming today, this afternoon. So I rearranged things to be there and was told after 2 hours he would be in on Tuesday morning. With all we have have on Tuesday I hope they are correct. They know I want to ask the Dr about her medications and bleeding. They said they would send him in to see her first. I had been told last week he had two patients to come see, I wonder if there is any more? Does not really matter. I just know with ds 14 class and piano lessons for three sons I do not have time to wait there for the Dr. if they were wrong again.

I need to ask if they are letting her feed herself what she can as, she needs to. I showed them on Saturday or Sunday evening.

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